> If I hammer the server hard enough, can I make it catch fire?  (OK, poor
> joke, I'm sorry... I've just seen enough bad php to last me many
> lifetimes.)

        The language doesn't make bad code, programmers make bad code. Some
languages make it easier to write bad code, however, but I think that's also
dependant on the programmer's level of understanding of the actual code and
the objective. TMTOWTDI.

> I don't see that your comments make a decisive case.  Libraries exist
> for many other languages, including perl, to do what you want and most
> of those languages are more powerful and elegant than PHP.

        Nobody said it was decisive. Someone offered, it was one less thing
I had to do myself, and I have some local talent I can prod for help if I
get stuck looking at/fixing/auditing the code. Shortest distance between two
points.. Seriously though, if I can do something better in perl, I will.

> Yes, that's good, but are they going to help maintain it?

        I made sure he understood this was not just a "throw it over the
wall" type of project, but even if it is, and he walks away, I want to make
sure I can understand the code enough to be able to fix/update it as
necessary (note bugs.plkr.org was my first foray into the PHP menage, and
it's doing ok with little babysitting). I know php enough to be probably at
the Amateur Lethal status right now. Level 4 Sorceror. Nothing more.

> > I make it a point never to turn down a contribution or contributor.
> That is not a healthy statement.  Again, I know that's politically
> incorrect, but that's the way it is.

        I meant 'turn down' from a morale and future contribution
perspective, not from a "Hey, we'll just toss this code in there and see
what happens" perspective. If you turn them down now, they won't be inclined
to learn more, help you further in the future, or contribute. If you teach
them to fish...


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