
I'm using Plucker for quite some time now and I love it. It's far better 
then Avantgo. I recently bought a CF adapter for my Visor and I though it 
would be a great idea, if Plucker would support VFS standard, so the big 
databases that I carry in my PDAs memory would be moved to the CF card 
instead and read from it.

Also I have a suggestion for Plucker. I noticed that the pages, that are 
not downloaded to the database, have URLs rememberd. Wouldn't it be a cool 
idea if you could make a HTML-like file, from the selected sites a user 
wants to be downloaded the next time he runs Plucker spider. Example:
I'm reading the downloaded news and I click on a link that was not 
downloaded. I select this link (via checkbox) I name the link i.e. "Link 
that was not downloaded the last time" and I select the depth of gathering 
the information. When I come to another non-downloaded link, I repeat the 
process. All that while I'm using my Palm. And when I HotSync the pda, the 
Plucker downloads the newly made HTML page (i.e. "Extra pages that have to 
be downloaded") and uses it in its next session. Would that be possible? Is 
there any way you could implement this, while not needing to rewrite the 
whole program all over again? :)

Thanks for the great program and also for any information you will be 
willing to share with a happy Plucker user :)

Bostjan Kosir

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