> [...] Instead, there could be
> an additional program that the user runs manually which would read
> the Memo database that has been hotsynced to the PC, would pull
> out all the Memo records that were saved from the Plucker viewer,
> create a temporary HTML file from them. The new program would then
> call the parser to fetch all links in that HTML file.

I currently do something like this with the following command:

jpilot-dump -M | sed -e
href="&">&<\/a><br \/>/;};/^[^<]/d' >home.html

(remove the line breaks), but it would be very good to have the Plucker
viewer write a bit more home.html-format-like links to the memo database
instead of just the URLs, then I could just replace this with:

jpilot-dump -M | sed -e
'/^Plucker/,/^$/{;s/^Plucker.*$/<h4>&<\/h4>/;};/^[^<]/d' >home.html

and get more functionality to boot.  I quite understand that providing the
full range of plucker options on the copy url screen isn't viable. Is there
another way to read the memo db?

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