
I recently tried to "make" all there was on the Plucker CVS on my Debian
system and came across several problems:

1. Building the documentation:

The latex2html package included in debian does not support .gif-Images,
so the Plucker-Documentation would not build. It was possible to convert
all the .gifs to .png, edit the makefile to use pngtopnm instead of
giftopnm and change every occurence of .gif to .png.

This fixed i tried again and now building the PluckerUserGuide.pdb would
fail (last error message:   
   real_url = real_url_protocol + webdoc_rest_of_url
TypeError: unsupported operand types for +
After playing around a bit I found out that I needed to change the call
to the Parser in docs/Makefile to use 
-H file://`pwd`$(PLUCKERDOC)/index.html
instead of just

2. Building plucker-desktop:

make wouldn't find wxgtk-config and came up with lots of errors, so i
needed to create a link from 
/usr/bin/wxgtk-2.2-config to /usr/bin/wxgtk-config

This fixed, make (or rather c++) failed because it couldn't find
wx/splash.h and wx/xrc.h.

Both are nowhere to be found on my system, even though i installed all
packages there are in debian with "wx" in their names ;).

Trying to build all those packages from the source tarballs didn't work
for reasons that are beyond my capabilites to comprehend.

Building plucker-desktop didn't work out for me so far.

3. Building the Viewer:

When I do a "make all" in the plucker/viewer or any of its
subdirectories which contain a Makefile, make will tell me that there's
nothing to be done for 'all'.

I noticed that the variables BUILD_VIEWER and BUILD_ZLIB in
plucker/viewer/Makefile are empty.

I could not build the Viewer and Zlib .prc .

Did I miss any documentation, is something on my system really screwed
or am I just too stupid?

BTW: Does the Parser support Cookies?



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