Bill, what is the relative speed of the C++ parser/conduit to the current 
Python parser?

I ask because I have written several cross-platform multithreaded TCP/IP 
servers (and clients) and could perhaps take a good shot at making it 
cross-platform.  Unless there's a LOT of MFC, usually it's pretty 
straight-forward in terms of code changes.

But if the speed is nearly the same, the project momentum is much more 

         Tony McNamara

At 08:55 AM 9/24/2002  -0400, Bill Nalen wrote:

>FWIW, I did a lot of work a while back translating the Python code to C++.
>This is all done on Windows with VS 6.0.  I've got a stand alone parser and
>a complete Palm conduit working using this code.  We use it every day in
>production where I work.  I started this to have a real conduit that would
>work for Palm users who only know how to press the hotsync button.  We
>looked at remotely preparing the content and having them sync the pdb, but
>it would have been more complex for the users.  Since Windows users are
>typically less sophisticated than *nix users, we need to keep things as
>simple as possible and as standard as possible.  I think *nix developers
>drastically under estimate the simplicity needed for Windows users (but not
>developers ;-).
>There's a couple of drawbacks to this approach though.  The code base is
>using Python so it would be up to me to keep it in sync with the Python
>code, not difficult, but not trivial either.  It also adds one more option
>to the Plucker project that probably doesn't need to be there.  Also, aside
>from the Windows conduit produced (and probably Mac as well), the code
>would be useless to the other developers.
>I think the work that Bill J (?) is doing on getting a Java version of the
>parser built directly from the Python code is GREAT.  This would solve a
>lot of problems for me.  I wouldn't have to keep the C++ code in sync and
>it could be built directly into a parser.  I think this would become the
>parser of choice on Windows.  I'm looking forward to getting the latest
>version to start working on a conduit from it.  Once the Java version is
>stable, I'll drop my C++ conduit in favor of it.  I think a good conduit
>option is the only thing missing from Plucker (well for most Windows users
>to really use it easily).
>When I ported GKrellM to Windows it took me a long time (probably a week)
>to get all the libraries needed and to get a clean build.  A build on
>Windows had never been done, so I wasn't surprised that it took me that
>long.  I feel the same way about Plucker.  I would expect it to take a long
>time to build since (almost?) no one seems to develop on Windows.  I've
>stayed away from the viewer code simply because I know it would take some
>time to get it running and others seem to be doing a great job of
>fixing/updating the code.   I don't blame them for not having the correct
>imports and stuff in there if they don't know what to put.  It's up to the
>Plucker Windows developers to get it working and tell them what to add.
>For example, Bill J (again ?) has made a GTK viewer on *nix.  Since the GTK
>libraries have been ported to Windows, I took a shot at compiling it under
>MS VS 6.0.  I needed to make a bunch of import/define changes to get it to
>compile and run (found a couple bugs too :-)  I have yet to get back to
>Bill with the required changes, but I will when I see the next version
>released.  This is the way most projects I've been involved with go.  It's
>a frustrating build process, but hopefully only one person will have to go
>through it.
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