> > Intellectual property is _property_, just as material objects are.
> > Redistribution of copyrighted intellectual property with the express
> > permission of the rights holder is _theft_, pure and simple.
> s/with/without/

This statement completely ignores the rights of the user of the
"property" under fair-use laws. It's perfectly acceptable to copy at
least a portion of material for the purposes of review, research etc -
some of these rights are explicitly (and illegally) prohibited by EULAs
and click-wrap licenses. And "redistribution", for example, to family
and friends is perfectly legal as long as no money changes hands.

Some companies are trying to control 100% of the information that they
distrubute even though there is neither law nor any sort of historical
precedent that gives them the right to do this. The main argument seems
to be that digital systems permit perfect copying where such copying was
not possible in the past, therefore the old laws are broken and need to
be fixed, using technical means. Few thinking people will subscribe to
this view of the world, especially when copyright extensions make a
mockery of the supposed purpose of copyright laws and, as an aside,
threaten democracy by putting control of information into a very small
number of individual's hands.

Whether or not "Intellectual Property Law" as an idea has it's place is
debatable, but, given that it exists, there are restrictions on the
exercise of the rights given to holders of such "property" just as there
are on real property such as land (eg right-of-way laws). There is no
blanket "you must not copy this under any circumstances" law  anywhere
in the world that I know of (except, perhaps, the DMCA and it's bastard
offspring), and enforcing copy protection is just helping what amounts
to an barely legal cartel of information hoarding by a very small number
of companies.

(Sadly I don't have time to back this up with references but maybe I
will get around to it some time!)

Just my 0.02c :)

Mark Lillywhite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Rubber Chicken Consortium

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