On Thu, Sep 26, 2002, Guylhem Aznar wrote:

> Shouldn't they be removed altogether? Preveting copy is encouraging DRM.
> DRM should be flushed down the toilets.

I will not remove it (and it isn't really DRM). What I will do in a
future version is to only make the copyprevention bit a
"recommendation", i.e. the viewer will display an alert saying that
this document has the "non-beamable" bit set and ask the user if
he/she really want to beam the document. Selecting Yes will beam
the document, i.e. we leave the decision in the hands of the user
and not to a setting in the document.

The user ID protection could be moved out of the viewer into a
separate library, i.e. making it more complicated to use ;-) Still,
that will not be possible until some kind of plug-in architecture
has been implemented.

Could also display a dialog making it possible to enter the user ID
for a "protected" document, i.e. if the user ID for the device doesn't
match you can still provide it manually. Would make it possible to 
share "protected" documents with your peers.

It shouldn't be that complicated to create a desktop tool that can
remove the user ID protection (if you know the used user ID:) and
create an unprotected document.


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