Ok here's my new test:

- include a button to go directly to the home page
- displaying the comics and pressing left/right keys increase the space
between calvin&hobbes and dilbert strip. That may means you have
unwanted spaces there. That could be linked to the newline problem
- the first page stills show a duplicate "tres mauvaise info" title
- I still don't understand the way up and down arrows work.
it's not intuitive. clicking on the up arrow after the index page (say
BBC nes for ex) does not bring back the index page. the down arrow just
go to the end of something - certainly not the current page.
- ny times index page pics are still on right hand side (should be on
  the left))
- the newline problem now only appears where there are no chars. Try "le
  monde" : long titles are wrapped. the following title is fine. but
where there's a space (for ex between 2 secions like Region and
Horizons) you have 2 empty lines instead of one. OTOH on Cnet news
titles have empty lines between them while they should not.
Interestingly, "double spacing" only worsen the problem. Maybe you
should offer "half spacing" option?
- pression "ok" button on menu option does not select them (the menu was
  brought with the menu key)

My new suggestions:
 Replace the icons by some text, like NXT PRV
 Press up to go to previous page
 Press down to go to the next page
 Press and hold up to go to the 1st page
 Press and hold down to bring the "jump to" dialog box

The arrow keypad could be used identically :
 Press and hold up to go to previous page
 Press and hold down to go to the next page

In full screen mode, pressing "menu" key could bring back to the 1st

That would be **very** usefull to ebooks and plucker readers, especially
in full screen mode, until the keypad can be used to navigate between

Do you now want screenshots from the palm version? It could help you
with the spacing stuff.
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