On Thu, Oct 10, 2002, Bill Janssen wrote:
> The first is that we use the function code as a "hint" preceding a
> regular image function code (or big-image function code).

I like this idea. However, why do you need to include the alignment?
There is a set alignment function that could be used if necessary.

> Unfortunately, this won't work for the alt tag

The alt tag could use a separate record (i.e. something like your
second suggestion.) If the viewer can't display the image it can 
traverse the record to find the alt text (if not found it will
display the "[img]" text.)

> It has the disadvantage of making the info a bit more tedious to
> get to.

And slow (the idea was to make the rendering faster:) A document 
with many images could result in a quite large record, so it is
not something you could read only once and keep stored in memory.
We should probably make sure that it can support more than one
record (e.g. similar to the URL info records.)


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