On Mon, Oct 21, 2002, Alexandre Enkerli wrote:
> But on the topic of corporate-appeal, is there a "marketing" strategy 
> for Plucker?

We are "hackers" not suits, so do you want an extra guess whether we
have a "marketing strategy" or not? ;-)

> Not only can it compete with AvantGo on the Palm

As I said already back in '99,

  I'm not working on Plucker to gain market share, if we have
  a good product and it is useful to other users, too, then
  I'm a happy camper...

It has never been my goal to compete with AvantGo or any other
product for that matter. I just want to create a good offline HTML
reader (and e-book reader). Actually, one reason I haven't spent any
time on adding DOC support to Plucker is that there are good (and free)
DOC readers, CSpotRun and Weasel (I even contributed code to Weasel 
this year:) Of course, if someone else implements DOC support in
Plucker it won't be turned down ;-)


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