> I thought you said earlier that I could pass any of the parameters as null.
> I tried passing argument as null, and the parser seems to throw an
> exception.  I'd like to pass all the parameters in the config, but it seems
> I need to pass the -N and -P parameters as arguments.

There's a small bug in the
org.plkr.distiller.InvokePluckerBuildFromJava.invoke() implementation,
which requires a real String[] value for the "args" parameter.  I'll
fix this in my next build, but for now you can pass an empty array in
that place.

I don't understand why -N or -P should be necessary.  -N (really,
--doc-name) is passed as "doc_name" in the config file, and setting
that value should work.  -P (really --pluckerhome) is a bit different.
By default, it is determined from either a PLUCKERHOME environment
variable, or from ~/.plucker.  It decides where to go to read the
personal config file.  Note that the config file parameter name is
"PLUCKERHOME", not "pluckerhome".  Can you tell me what goes wrong if
you specify these in the config file parameter and not in the argument

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