Adam McDaniel wrote:
On the down side, I've set the category field in Advanced, and the
files are showing up in Plucker as Unfiled rather than News as I
specified.  I already have a News category on the viewer.

That might be a bug in the viewer. If you set your category mode to
'Classic', does it show up in the News category properly from there?
Not sure what you mean by 'Classic'.  I have tried turning on/off multiselect and "Manual update of document list".  Is there something else?

Laurens M. Fridael wrote:
Check to make sure that you haven't set up the Category filter wrong in  the
Viewer. It could be that you have specifed "All" instead of "Or" in the
multiple category selection. Anyway, I tested this and the category
information is retained with all my PDBs and Viewer 1.2. I also have a
category called "News" and it displays fine.

If it still doesn't work send me the PDB and the accompanying JXL that you
believe should have the category information so I can take a look at it.
Also let me know which version of the Viewer you're using.
I am using "Or" and it still doesn't work.  I'm using Viewer 1.2.  .  My JXL file has the <category>News</category> entries for each URL.  I'll send the JXL and PDBs pending the outcome of  Adam's question.

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