> Eugene Y. Vasserman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > how feasable it is to have plucker handle obvious html
> > errors "intelligently".
> It's a compromise: I'd rather Plucker developers spent time 
> on improving functionality for real web sites (ie ones that
> are valid and follow guidelines) than tried to square the
> circle and understand the unintelligible.  Wouldn't you?

You say that as if it's an either/or choice.  If Eugene wants
to work on making plucker more robust, who are we to stop him?
The beauty of Open Source software like plucker is that everyone
is a developer, or at least can be.

As long as the patches don't introduce bugs, or break other
bits, or take too long to run, I don't think anyone with
commit access will complain too heavily about them.

Having said that, perhaps a better idea would be to have the
parser automatically call tidy, if it's available, so that we
could leverage other people's work.  Then Eugene could spend
his time making tidy better, and more people would benefit from
his labour.


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