Blake Winton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You say that as if it's an either/or choice.  If Eugene wants
> to work on making plucker more robust, who are we to stop him? [...]

Oh yes, plucker's Free Software, so if any new developer wants to
concentrate on that, then go ahead.  I just didn't want anyone having
illusions about the difficulty.  Tidy is not a new project and still is
nowhere near fixing 100% of the crap out there.  It's already possible to
use tidy before plucker, so I also wonder how "itchy" the task is.

I agree that calling tidy as a filter is probably the right way to do it
with the least effort.  I'd be disappointed if existing (very busy, as far
as I can tell) developers stopped working on the wonderful things we're
seeing and started with that, though.  Just my opinion as a counterweight to
the original request, that's all.

On the point from lower down the thread: emailing webmasters of dud pages is
probably worth an option.  I don't really believe in options, but that would
be a useful trick, but you wouldn't always want to do it.
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