> So, putting these all together, I made a conduit in about an hour that runs the 
> plucker-desktop.exe --update-due process during sync to have all the waiting 
> channels plucked and installed. Plucker_desktop even pops up a nice progress 
> dialog. Seems to work great on the small channels I tried.

Nicely done Bill! That's great work! Will certainly have to roll that into the 
downloads (your 
desktop viewer also, and the other nice additions) for the next release.
> I do have a couple of items though:
>     If no channels are due, a message box pops up telling the user that 
> there were no channels due. The docs say it should just silently end. I would 
> like this behaviour instead of waiting for the ok button to get pressed. (I do 
> have the auto close always option selected and it works fine when an update is 
> done).

Thanks for catching this. I also prefer in commandline mode that it would just end 
(but keep the message dialog for if in GUI mode, and they pressed a button, get a 
message to 
tell them what happened). I will add it to the buglist and correct it straight away.
>     Will plucker_desktop.exe always be found at 
> plucker_install_dir/plucker_desktop/plucker-desktop.exe? If so, I believe I 
> can find it based on the registry key for the Plucker path.

You may wish to put in a if condition when the conduit is called, to look at the 
mode in the plucker.ini to see if it is a '3'. 
A [PLUCKER_DAEMON] section was set aside with a key of autoupdate_mode, with 4 numbers:
The 3 is updating the due chanels on OnSync (what you have kindly done).
These correspond to the radio boxes on Preferences > Autoupdate.
The 4th radio box is there but currently hidden, as the capacity isn't there until 
your work. 
If do a check for the '3' value, then that way regular folk can turn the conduit 
behaviour on 
and off.
Sound OK?

>     Are there any objections to creating a registry key The Plucker 
> Team/PluckerCond/Command to hold the executable command to run? This way an 
> advanced user could edit the registry to run a program other than plucker-
> desktop during the sync.

Sounds very reasonable. Nice to have different parts of the chain be able to work with 
Perhaps you may wish to put it in the Plucker.ini to make it more portable though 
across Linux 
and Macintosh also. (And also easier editing)
Perhaps as a:   
sync_commandline=<as desired>
>     Does it matter if the hotsync is being run for one user and the channel 
> is scheduled to be installed for another? I think the update-due command 
> option will update all channels for all users. I don't think this will be a 
> big problem so I'm prone to ignoring the issue for now. 

Yes, probably not a big problem, as most people are just one person using. 
However, probably worthwhile to consider a workable strategy for restricting the 
updates a 
single user.

On the commandline for the desktop it is easy enough to add an option modifier for 
to a certain user, for example something like user-filter (whatever name for the 
modifier you 
think would be descriptive):
plucker-desktop --update-due --username-filter "Bill Nalen"
Then as part of the filtering of only due channels, it would also look to see if that 
user was 
one of the ones listed as a destination. (I think that it is fair though that it 
should go to 
all that channels destinations if one user updates, otherwise people wouldn't have put 
destinations together in the same channel).
That is one approach, though it is a bit more difficult then to use a fixed entry in 
registry for a commandline to execute, since the user-filter value will change 
depending on who 
is Syncing.

Another option would be to for the conduit to write a value of a user to the ini for 
what the 
value of username-filter would be. For example:
username_filter=Bill Nalen

Then have the fixed commandline in the registry as just:
plucker-desktop --update-due --userame-filter 
and if no value for username-filter is given, it will get the value from 
PLUCKER_DAEMON > username_filter and filter to that user name.

Please advise on what you think with regards to strategy.

Best wishes,
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