---On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 11:49:38 -0500,  Bill Nalen said

> Chris wrote:
>>    My company does too. I use a section in .pluckerrc and a couple of
>>scripts (run by before_command and after_command) to do the translation
>>with wv and the cleanup.
>>    Then all I have to do is 'plucker-build -s workdocs' and sync the
>>resulting .pdb to my palm.
> Would you mind sharing what the section looks like and the script to do
> the converting?  I'm assuming that like me your Word documents are stored
> on a web server, then they need to be fetched and then converted.  I'd
> love to get this working for my company.

    Sure! they're attached.

    The file 'filelist' mentioned in the scripts is just a list of files
to include.

BTW: when I said scripts, I meant shell scripts, not (ugh!) perl.

--re: Re: Parsing MS Word documents

Christopher R. Hawks Software Engineer
Syscon Plantstar a Division of Syscon International
You may now return to bashing UNIX and its smug complacent users. We in
return will return to our smug complacency -- after all, we don't have any
machines to disinfect this weekend.
    -- Jim Hill

Attachment: word_scripts.tgz
Description: File attachment

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