> From what I understand so far, you want some sort of bookmarklet
>plugin in your browser to convert? Your browser would have to understand
>mime type of the Word document and either launch Word, or launch the
>conversion tool of choice to convert it to Plucker format. Or am I missing
>your proposed design?

No, I'm talking about having a single pdb that may have several types of
content as sources.  Let me try to give a better example of what I mean.  (I
only have experience with the python parser so my ideas are stemming from
it's design.)

For instance, right now the parser will accept (based on the content-type in
the http headers), plain text, html, and images.  I can make an html file
with links to text files, when converted the parser will parse the html
file, then based on my depth of course, parse the text files and images.
Different types of content, but they exist in the same pdb and the user
doesn't have to worry about it.  I propose allowing the parser to do this to
more types of content than just html, text, and images.
Then I can have an html file which links to text files, images, Word docs,
etc.; point my distiller of choice to the html file, and get all types in
one pdb.

You can do this if you apply my WAP patch.  Apply the patch, then point your
distiller to this home document with a depth of 2:

<p>Some HTML Content:</p>
<p><a href="http://pda.ananova.com";>Ananova</a></p>
<p>Some WAP Content:</p>
<p><a href="http://wap.webtender.com/index.wml";>Webtender</a></p>

I hope that explains a little better what I mean by 'mixed content'.  It's
not the browser I want to understand the mime-type, but the parser.


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