On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Robert O'Connor wrote:

> On 3 Feb 2003 at 17:37, Brent Haag wrote:
> > My proposal is this:
> > --Have ability to leave proxy password blank and ask for it every time
> > it is needed (or every session),
> This can be done quite easily. Perhaps a 
> [ ] Prompt for username/password
> checkbox for the proxy pages, as the UI?

That would be perfect.

> > and/or
> > --Have ability to use a PAC file
> I don't know what a PAC file is. Is the format described somewhere?

It is a format, I believe, created by Netscape.  It is essentially a 
javascript routine.  It is what is put in the "Automatic proxy 
configuration URL" in Mozilla (similar for IE and others).  For example, 
at work it is set to:  'http://kcp101/kc.pac'.  More info at netscape:  

This is probably more work than it is worth, though.

Brent Haag

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