---On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 22:32:43 -0500,  Bill Nalen said

> Chris wrote:
>>    tempbase = tempfile.mktemp()
>>    tempdoc = os.path.join(tempfile.tempdir, tempbase + ".doc")
>>    temphtml = os.path.join(tempfile.tempdir, tempbase + ".html")
>>    command = worddoc_converter
>>    command = command + " -d " + tempfile.tempdir + " -b " + tempbase
>>    command = command + " " + tempdoc + " > " + temphtml
>>then all converted docs would have their own (correct) images. Cleaning up
>>the temp files is easily done just before Spider.py exits.
> I'm not too familiar with Python, but does it clean up the temp files for
> you?  Or will this keep creating temp directories with a bunch of temp
> files?

    Python will create temp files (tempdir is /var/tmp on linux unless you
specifically change it, /tmp on Winders I think) with a unique name for
each group. This code in (the new) Spider.py will delete any that exist:

    if tempfile.tempdir is not None:
        """ Clean up any temp files """
        base = re.compile (tempfile.template)
        for file in os.listdir (tempfile.tempdir):
            if base.match (file):
                os.remove(os.path.join(tempfile.tempdir, file))

    Let me know if it mis-behaves under Winders.

--re: Re: Parsing MS Word documents

Christopher R. Hawks Software Engineer
Syscon Plantstar a Division of Syscon International
> Linux is not user-friendly. 
It _is_ user-friendly.  It is not ignorant-friendly and idiot-friendly.
    -- Seen somewhere on the net.

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