On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 06:37:59PM +0100, Laurens M. Fridael wrote:
> After experimenting some more it seems that this method doesn't work
> reliably.  Placing the images next to each other only works reliably if you
> know the exact amount of available horizontal space at that specific point
> in the text record *in advance*. This means the user has to pass a target
> resolution to the parser. Furthermore, horizontal space is influenced by
> horizontal margins and the presence (or lack thereof) of the scrollbar. This
> makes things way too complicated for the parsers so I think a dedicated
> composite image record is called for.

Agreed. Besides, as Michael mentioned earlier that this metiod would
work fine for inlined images but when viewing them directly it won't
work. It would be best off just to make both inline and fullscreen
images use the same record to maintain consistency.

Plus, what if there is text before or after the image? If its just a
parser-only split image then the beginning or end piece might be out
of alignment. By telling the viewer 'These pieces are to remain
intact' the viewer can take steps accordingly to maintain that.

As for Michael's problem of "this worked for inliend, but what about
fullscreen?" .. I do have a potential solution for that as well. It'll
actually work easily under OS5 devices becuase of BmpCreateV3Bitmap()
but for pre-OS5 there will be a little more work involved.

Laurens, can you mock up any old .pdb as I described in


Just make sure that it has an example a multirecord image inline as
well as when you click onto it it tries to load it up directly.  As
soon as you can do that, I'll mock up the viewer to support this
method with both inline and fullscreen images.

Thanks :)

Adam McDaniel
Calgary, AB, Canada
plucker-dev mailing list

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