On Fri, Jun 06, 2003, Adam McDaniel wrote:
> OK. here it is... I guess it's mostly intended for Mike, but anyone is
> welcome to try it out.

Hmm, I don't think I want hard-coded paths in the code base when
they can be avoided. This line is from armlets/armletldscript:


IMO, the armletldscript could be "created" by the configure script
after it has figured out the SEARCH_DIR setting.

Other things I saw in the patch,

    - #ifndef __ENDIANUTILS_H__

      No names with leading and trailing underscores.

    - "DEFINES = -DNEWGCC" doesn't make much sense in the Makefile

      It is included in the viewer's Makefile because we can't run
      'make depend" without it (the ZLib library requires the option)

      I saw that you have also included it in the cleaner app's
      Makefile; it could (and probably should) be removed.

    - the viewer.rcp file doesn't depend directly on the source code
      in the armlets dir; it depends on the armlets.rcp file.

    - the $(FONTDIR)/*.txt dependency should be removed, not the
      $(FONTDIR)/*.rcp dependency, since the dependency is on the
      rcp file.

    - coding guidelines!

    - the config option should be --enable-armlets, i.e. the default
      is off.

I will be back with more stuff when I have reviewed the actual source
code changes ;-)


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