On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Michael Nordstrom wrote:
> BTW, the useArmlet variable seems to be a bit of fluff; the armChunkH
> (we can discuss the choice of name, though) already indicates if we
> are using the armlet or not, i.e. is it NULL or not. Use it and you
> can drop the MemPtrRecoverHandle, too.

I prefer useArmlet for two reasons.  First, it might well speed up the
search by an infinitesimal amount, since it's faster to check an 8-bit
value than a 32-bit value (especially, I suspect, under PACE).  Second,
it's clearer to have useArmlet, because whether one uses the armlet
depends not just on whether there is an armc resource, but also on whether
the text is 8-bits wide.

> If you think it is difficult to run configure, then write a shell
> script to do it for you ;-)

That's what I do. :-)


Dr. Alexander R. Pruss  || e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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       - Paul of Worczyn (1424)

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