I've committed the DIA code.

This has consequences for all developers who modify or create forms.  Many
forms now come with resize descriptions in viewer.rcp.in.  If you modify a
form, you need to make sure that the resize description for the form is also
modified.  Things will crash, for instance, if the resize description
mentions an object that the form does not contain, and, conversely, objects
not mentioned in the resize description will not move or change size on DIA
resize.  Any new forms need to have event handlers that call the appropriate
ResizeHandle*() functions, even if the forms do not actually resize.  You
should read DIA.txt for information on how all this works.  I would like to
strongly request that people not make new forms for different sizes, the way
the old code had separate Sony silk min, Sony wide, etc., forms.  Everything
should be handled via the resize info.  The resize descriptions are flexible
enough to allow one to handle fairly complex forms.  If you need more, you
can of course put in a hook in the winDisplayChangedEvent handler for the
form.  (Note that the way my DIA support code works, winDisplayChangedEvent
is now posted to forms under ALL supported platforms that have resizable
DIA, including Handera and Sony.)

I haven't included resize info for ALL forms.  Those that don't have resize
info have behavior that defaults to the PalmOS 5.2+ default of maximizing
DIA and disabling resize.  This is handy for things like the search form.
But at the same time, people may want to add explicit resize info for some
other forms for which I have not added it.  This may involve creating new
"bins", a concept explained in DIA.txt.  A bin is a collection of forms
which have the same DIA state, so that if the user changes the DIA state in
one form in a bin, it gets changed in all the forms in the bin as well.  For
instance, it makes sense that all forms that may require user to type things
in (e.g., the keyboard remap form and the search form and the email form) to
share a bin.  It also makes sense that all forms where more space is useful
and where graffiti entry is less critical should share a bin.  For instance,
the search result form and the mainform should share a bin.

The DIA settings for each bin are saved in the prefs database.  Currently,
there are only two bins, a mainform and a library bin, both of which default
to DIA minimized.  One improvement over the previous version is that the two
can have different default states if the user wants.  This is handy since
the library form lets you enter the first letters via graffiti, and so you
might want DIA maximized for it, while almost everybody would like DIA
minimized in the mainform.

Getting the DIA behavior consistent across all forms by producing resize
info where appropriate is something that I would like people to help me

Finally, any bug fixes to resize*.[ch] and DIA.[ch] should also be sent to
me in addition to being put in CVS because the code is being used by
PalmBible+ as well, and I want to maintain a two-way flow of bug fixes.


Dr. Alexander R. Pruss
Department of Philosophy
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057-1133  U.S.A.
online papers and home page: www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ap85
   "Philosophiam discimus non ut tantum sciamus, sed ut boni efficiamur."
       - Paul of Worczyn (1424)

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