
I have checked out the CVS version plucker today (I'm on Linux) and I
had some troubles compiling.

In the tar ball of version 1.8 there are two configure scripts, one in
the base directory, one in the viewer directory. Running the base
configure configures everything, and the build compiles just nice.

However, the CVS does not contain either configure file, but only one
autogen.sh, which does not create a configure script in the viewer
directory. How can I compile the viewer?

So what I did is use the configure scripts from the 1.8 version and
./configure --disable-annotation --enable-word-lookup
and then it compiles fine. (Haven't tried the prc yet though)

I'm reluctant to file a bug report on this as I'm not sure whether I'm
doing something wrong. 

BTW, there's some inconsistencies in the documentation:

"INSTALL" says:
> If you have downloaded a source package of Plucker, first running
> 'autoreconf' and then 'configure' ...

> To configure, do not run "configure" directly; instead, run the
> top level shell script "autogen.sh", passing it the options you would
> normally pass to configure.
> [...]
> Palm OS viewer development
> --------------------------
> [...]
> See the README in the viewer dir for additional info.

"viewer/README" says:
> ---------
> [...]
> After running './configure' in the top directory you can either run 

autoreconf, autogen.sh, configure? 


christian mautner -- chm bei istop punkt com -- ottawa, canada
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