David canup wrote:

Think you for the information.

The problem that I am having is I go to http://www.example.com
save the "home page" and other links on to me hard drive. Then I edit the home page links to the spot on my hard drive that I file is stored. Like so.....C:/my docs/web sites/site A/home.html...links to.....C:/my docs/web sites/site A/link1.html...ect

but that is what is giving me that error when I try to convert that that is on my hard drive to a plucker file.

That sounds ~very~ tedious. Try this (assuming windows pc):

Get a copy of wget from here: http://www.interlog.com/~tcharron/wgetwin-1_5_3_1-binary.zip

Unzip it into an empty directory, say C:\wget

Go to a command prompt/dos shell. 'cd' to the wget directory. (most likely just 'cd \wget')

type the following:

C:\>  wget  --level=2  -r  -p  -k   http://www.example.com/

That will get the website www.example.com, following all links 2 pages deep. It will also get all the files (images and such) that are needed to complete the page(s). Adjust as needed. Many more options are available and can be shown by running wget with '--help' as an option.

When done, you will have the files in: C:\wget\www.example.com\ Point plucker to that. Good luck.

Note: wget is an excellent tool and is available for a few different platforms. But it is also dangerous in that if you go crazy with the depth(--level), you can end up downloading alot of stuff, potentially pissing off that site. There are some options to filter stuff out.

Another tool you can make use of is called 'tidy'. It is a html sanitizer. It will clean up most html (best guess) and make it much more plucker friendly. You can find out more about it here: http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy/


-- -- Wesley Mason -- TDPSoft.net <!-- Club88 -->

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