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On 6/7/2013 6:23 PM, Derek Trotter wrote:
> The next time you watch or listen to the news, It won't be long
> before you'll hear something like this: A police spokesman said
> officers searched the suspect's home and found 25 pounds of pot as
> well as several thousand dollars in cash.
> The way they talk about the cash implies the possession of it is a
> crime.
> I know a woman near here who gets social security.  She has it
> direct deposited into her bank.  Each month she withdraws cash and
> spends that. All the government or bank know is she gets so much
> money each month and withdraws that much cash over the course of
> the month.  She says it's none of the bank's or the government's
> business what she does with her money.

That is about how I operate every month, except my money doesn't come
from social security. I still work. I also use a variety of pre-paid
cards. But no debit cards. I like cash a lot.

I had a woman at walmart actually look at me funny because I wanted to
give exact change. She said she hadn't seen that in a long time.

What is most frustrating is the number of people who do not know how
to count change back.

If my bill is $15.36 and I hand you a $20, don't give me $4.64 back.
Give me .64 cents in change and call it $16, then hand me four dollar
bills counting up to $20.

Sorry, just a nitpick. I also love it when the bill is $4.95 and I
hand them $5.20. I don't know how many times the stupid high school
(and regular adult) has been completely stumped by that. Unless they
can punch $5.20 into the machine and it tells them to give me .25
cents back, they are completely lost.

But now we are seeing a rise in electronic change machines so the
cashier doesn't have to deal with the difficult change anymore.

What is the current limit on the amount of cash a *citizen* is allowed
to carry. $20,000 ?

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