On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 08:17:12PM -0700, Joseph Huber wrote:
> ifconfig tells me the following (I don't have any way to get it off the box 
> so there may be some typos):
> lo   Link encap : Local Loopback
>      inet addr: mask:
>      inet6 addr: ::1/28 Scopt:Host
>      UP LOOKBACK RUNNING MTU:16438 Metric:1
>      RX Packets:6130 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>      TX Packets:6130 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>                                               collisions:0 carrier:0
>      RX bytes:979892 (948.0 KiB)
>      TX bytes:970802 (948.0 KiB)

Look, only the loopback interface 'lo'!!!

> /ect/network/interfaces contains the following (minus the comments)
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet dhcp

Look, eth0 should be coming up, but it sure wasn't there in the ifconfig
output. When the box is on, check where the network cable plugs in and
see if you have blinky lights. What lights are there depends on the NIC,
but often you have a solid light for a link, and an intermittently
flashing activity light.

Also, try 'ifconfig eth0' and see if you get something, or if it
complains that there is no eth0. If it says Invalid Interface, or Are
You On Crack?, then it's likely your network card died. If it comes back
with words like 'DOWN' or 'NO LINK' then it sees the NIC but maybe
something's wrong with the cable or some such.

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