> ifconfig tells me the following (I don't have any way to get it off the box
> so there may be some typos):
> lo   Link encap : Local Loopback
>       inet addr: mask:
>       inet6 addr: ::1/28 Scopt:Host
>       UP LOOKBACK RUNNING MTU:16438 Metric:1
>       RX Packets:6130 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>       TX Packets:6130 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>                                                collisions:0 carrier:0
>       RX bytes:979892 (948.0 KiB)
>       TX bytes:970802 (948.0 KiB)

Try ifconfig -a
This should show interfaces that are down, as well as those that are up. 
"lo" is the loopback interface and has nothing to do with your NIC.

Use lsmod to check to see if a module is loaded for your NIC also.

You might also find and post the relevant section of the output lf lspci,
especially if you don't know what your NIC is, or which module should be

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