
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Eric Cope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nobody was forced to take part in a 2-party system. Don't argue that a 3rd
> party candidate is a waste of vote. Face it, your vote is infinitesimally
> small, in fact 1 in a million. The idea of voting for lesser of two evils
> has delivered a president with a 30% approval rating and a Congress with a
> 19% approval rating. We, as a people, need to determine our own values and
> vote based on these values, not trying to prevent someone else from getting
> in office. Its not a horse race.
> Eric
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wednesday 05 November 2008 12:18:18 Josh Coffman wrote:
>> > mute.. mute mute dammit, gmail. ok fine..
>> >
>> > On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Josh Andler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > > I find the irony in quoting a Democrat when trying to defend
>> Republicans
>> > > to be quite amusing. :P
>> > >
>> >
>> > If your measure were based on the values represented by the quote and
>> not
>> > the party of the speaker, then you would not find it ironic.
>> >
>> >
>> > >
>> > > mike havens wrote:
>> > > > Self interest? Whatever happened to, "Ask not what your country can
>> do
>> > > > for you; but for what you can do for your country,"  and to the
>> > > > STATESMAN mindset rathedr than to the politician mindset.
>> > > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > This list if full of individuals with widely varying views, and
>> arguments
>> > such as this will do little to change the mind of most of us.  Despite
>> that,
>> > I grow tired of ignorant statements.
>> >
>> > Obama won't tax those making less than 300k, then 250k, then 150k, then
>> > 120k.. Did know one else notice that? Does no one else remember
>> Clinton's
>> > 1992 campaign on middle class tax cuts and making the "rich pay their
>> fair
>> > share"? Does no one else remember that Clinton then announced there will
>> be
>> > no tax cuts on Jan 15th, 1993 before he was even sworn in? Does no one
>> else
>> > remember Clinton's largest tax increase in US history?
>> >
>> > If you hang your hopes and dreams on any politician (Dem, Repub, or
>> > otherwise), you will be sorely disappointed.
>> >
>> > Obama isn't going to give tax cuts, though he may further increase tax
>> > refunds given to those not paying taxes.  If you haven't been paying
>> > attention, the Bush tax cuts are temporary and will expire soon.  This
>> will
>> > bring back the death tax, increase capital gains tax rates, and
>> > substantially increase tax rates across the board.  Congress has no
>> > intention of making the Bush tax cuts permanent.  It will be easy for
>> Obama
>> > to claim he want to give people a break, and blame Congress for not
>> giving
>> > him a bill or whatever excuse. That's politics. Obama isn't any
>> different,
>> > and may actually be among the worst of them.  Look, he's offered a
>> cabinet
>> > to Rahm "f--- them" Emanual.
>> >
>> > I don't blame people for wanting to kick the Republicans to the curb;
>> it's
>> > just unfortunate that they've marred the values I stand for but which
>> they
>> > didn't actually uphold.  If you look around the world and at our own
>> > history, it should be pretty obvious that government and bureacracy
>> can't
>> > fix your life.  The best thing it can do is provide for defense and
>> equal
>> > opportunity then get out of your way.
>> >
>> > Do you actually trust the government to run more programs and in anyway
>> make
>> > decisions for you with the track record they have? Deficit, Iraq war
>> > pre-surge, Afghanistan right now, social security, welfare, healthcare
>> laws
>> > and regulation, 8000 pages of tax code (wtf?), bridge to nowhere,
>> > subsidizing wooden arrows in a bank bail out bill, the bank bail out
>> > itself.. seriously?
>> >
>> > For the liberals, congratulations for the most liberal admin and
>> congress in
>> > us history. Good luck with that. For the neo-cons, thanks, appreciate it
>> > (not).  For the conservatives, like myself, this will bring clarity.
>> That is
>> > a good thing.
>> >
>> > In the end, this is still America. I, for one, am still proud to be an
>> > American and love this country for things like election. It is a major
>> > political shift, and it is a peacful one.
>> >
>> > Now, lemme try that gmail mute thing again.
>> >
>> > -j
>> >
>> Good post. I agree with most of what you said. I did not like either
>> candidate, but being forced to take part in a two party system, I had to
>> pick which one I thought was better for the country, and I will not lie and
>> say my Bible had nothing to do with it. Some of Obama's ideas are fine. Same
>> with Mccain. Some of them are really quite scary! Same with Mccain. None of
>> which is anything Bush wouldn't or hasn't already done himself.
>> Nonetheless, the media ran out Ron Paul so he never had a chance. It's
>> unfortunate, but this is the mess we are stuck with.
>> I will quote you because I think you said it well...
>> > In the end, this is still America. I, for one, am still proud to be an
>> > American and love this country for things like election. It is a major
>> > political shift, and it is a peacful one
>> nathan
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