Alex Dean wrote:
> On Mar 4, 2009, at 9:55 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
>> Alex Dean wrote:
>>> On Mar 4, 2009, at 8:53 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
>>>> Ryan Rix wrote:
>>>>> How 'legal' is it for someone to upload the torrent somewhere?
>>>> I don't know (IANAL). I think it's pretty cheesy of them though to use
>>>> the "limited time" pitch and then use a torrent for distribution. 
>>>> Stupid
>>>> (or maybe not-so-stupid?) marketing scam.
>>> They're giving you a magazine and DVD for free.  How is that a scam?
>>> (Are you expecting it to be full of adware?)
>>> The 'limited time' thing is probably to create a sense of urgency, which
>>> I agree is cheesy, but I hardly think that deserves to be called a
>>> scam.  I'm sure they're hoping you'll like what you get, and maybe
>>> subscribe for real.  Letting you try their magazine before you pay up
>>> seems like a very honest way to promote their product.
>> Thanks, Alex. Scam was the wrong word. How about ploy?
> Sure, ploy it is.  Might have worked in my case.  I'm thinking about 
> subscribing.

Me too, as long as I can get electronic delivery. My wife screams about 
printed media, mostly because it doesn't seem to get thrown away!

-Eric 'shubes'

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