Let's hope that doesn't happen.  Flex is a very limited language, and doesn't 
really have architecture to be expanded to cover the immense breadth of what 
Java covers (particularly the server-side and mobile spaces, which is 90+% of 
all Java).

Fortunately Java 7 is already under GPL and dual-hosted on independent sites, 
so if Oracle tries to mess with it, the community will just dump their contribs 
and continue on without them.

The JCP organization is already independent enough to ensure that Oracle can't 
screw up the language spec (IBM and others demanded that shift almost 10 years
ago when people though MS was going to buy Sun).

keith smith wrote:
> If Java slips that might put Flex in place to become the next big language.� 
> ------------------------
> Keith Smith
> --- On Mon, 4/20/09, Al Tobey <tob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Al Tobey <tob...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Oracle buys Sun!
> To: "Main PLUG discussion list" <plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us>
> Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 1:36 PM
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 4:52 AM, James Mcphee <jmc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It was just announced that Oracle is buying Sun.� This is not a drill.� How
>> is this going to play out for Java and MySQL?
> I've been quite fond of OpenSolaris lately.� � What I really hope they
> do is license ZFS and Dtrace for GPLv2 so Linux can use them.� They
> did mention Solaris a bit in the press releases, so it is a major part
> of the deal.� � It's not a bad OS and is open source.� � If they
> license it GPLv2, everybody will win in the end.���Solaris will get to
> borrow drivers from Linux and Linux will get ZFS and Dtrace.
> As for Java, just look at the nightmare that is OAS (Oracle
> Application Server).� � Hopefully they'll fire that entire unit (sans
> the guys responsible for TopLink) and replace it with Glassfish.���If
> they try to use their own Java people, it'll be a mess and Java will
> suffer.���That much is proven by their track record with OAS.
> I think MySQL will live on but its name will change to one of the
> forks like Drizzle or the other bit one whose name I forget.� � Then
> again, maybe they'll start adding PL/SQL and other goodies to MySQL
> and evolve it into a kind of gateway drug to Oracle, which would be
> just fine with me.� I'd love to be able to do full Oracle SQL and
> PL/SQL in MySQL and scale up to full Oracle later on.���Almost nobody
> writes straight to the C API's any more so it's feasible.
> Anyways, those are my fanboi dreams for this deal.���I really look
> forward to seeing how this plays out.���It's definitely going to be
> more interesting and less scary than the IBM deal would have been.
> -Al Tobey
>> --
>> James McPhee
>> jmc...@gmail.com
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