Am 22. Mar, 2011 schwätzte S Kreimeyer so:

moin moin,

I saw that the ABLEconf page on Facebook looked a bit dated, so I made
an event page for the conference. It's pretty similar to the press

Excellent! Danke!

Unfortunately, I'm pretty new to the area, so I don't have a wide base
of friends of Facebook in the area to leverage for marketing. If anyone
has a facebook profile, you should 'attend' the event to create more
online visibility.

Let me know if there is any information that I should add or correct on
the page. I think I hit the main points.

I can't even see it :), but hopefully others will attend as you suggested
and we'll start getting some updates.


#  ABLEconf - 2011Apr02 - Free Software for Free Enterprise
#  "I never let schooling get in the way of my education." -- Mark Twain
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