+++ Gurudatta Raut [PLUG] [15-07-05 22:55 -0700]:
| I have installed jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin
| Now I dont know where the files got installed, and I
| want to enable Java Plugin for Mozilla Browser; How to
| ?
| I tried to install HotJava Browser , it asked for the
| Java install Path, I am not linux Guy yet, But I am
| trying to take leaps and bounces. the day is not far
| when I will have created my own GUI opensource softwares.

Here are few things you MUST understand. 

- Whenever you have a new question, you MUST NOT reply to existing e-mail.
- When you ask question you MUST NOT put "Re" in the subject.
- You SHOULD read and SHOULD understand "Mailing List Etiquette FAQ"[1]
and then MAY ask a question. 

I suppose you are using Mandrake[2]. You SHOULD use urpmi to solve
your installation related issues. If you have any specific issues you
SHOULD send details regarding that. What else you SHOULD do can be
found out on [1]. 

You SHOULD find out the meaning of 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'SHOULD', 'MAY'.
For that you MUST read RFC 2119 which is available on [3]


[1] --- http://www.gweep.ca/~edmonds/usenet/ml-etiquette.html
[2] --- http://plug.org.in/pipermail/plug-mail/2005-June/015539.html
[3] --- http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2119.html

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