Rejoice  !

I ran the code on my m/c (fedora 10 kernel :, gcc version 4.3.2
20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7) (GCC) ) and it ran like a cool breeze!

null null you rock man!
PLUG rocks!
IRC chans suck!
I have been pulling my hair over this for a while now.

null null(i dunno ur name, mate), about this:
>Doesn't matter what version u are using ,

Well, i've read from an article from <some guy> from the "underground", that
kernel and gcc versions DO MATTER!

The original code that i was trying was written several years ago by another
underground guy called *'Aleph1' *on old kernel using old gcc*.

*Then this guy(<some guy>) pointed out reasons why this code wud not run on
later platforms, citing the same code from Aleph1's article and I was
shocked after i read that different kernels/gccs' employ different schemes
to allocate mem on the stack(yes, he also talked about the Stack Guard).
*If u are interested, i'll let u know the details about it..

I always wanted to ask this: Is PLUG on IRC?

Thanks again null null.
*-- *
“In fact, by only taking a few observations, and selecting our numbers, we
can by the effect of accidental causes defend all possible theories. By the
aid of such numbers, whose truth in other respects cannot be contested, we
set our consciences perfectly at rest, and demonstrate nearly anything we
may wish. This it is which always inspires so great a distrust in respect to
special statistics, and which has done the greatest injury to science with
persons who only judge of things superficially.”
- M. A. Quetelet
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

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