On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 1:57 AM, abhi<abhi.eleme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rejoice  !
> I ran the code on my m/c (fedora 10 kernel :, gcc version
> 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7) (GCC) ) and it ran like a cool breeze!
> null null you rock man!
> PLUG rocks!
> IRC chans suck!
> I have been pulling my hair over this for a while now.
> null null(i dunno ur name, mate), about this:
>>Doesn't matter what version u are using ,
> Well, i've read from an article from <some guy> from the "underground",
> kernel and gcc versions DO MATTER!

By the way aleph1 was the first person who posted the stack smashing in
Phrack years back.
That was the beginning of bufferoverflow exploitation :-)

What I meant from the *"versions don't matter"* is that if you can *read
assembly* it does not matter what version ur compiler or linux kernel is,
you only need to locate ur eip to overwrite in your case. Yes, for
exploitation it requires a little more understanding
because of the techniques employed by new gcc and kernel like ASLR, stack
protection, non-exec area etc etc.

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