On Mon, 2009-06-08 at 14:35 -0700, Paul Heinlein wrote:
> OK, the Subject header is flame bait, but I accidentally discovered 
> vi-esque shortcuts in Google Calendar today. In any view (day, week, 
> month), you can navigate to the next time unit using j or n or to the 
> previous time unit using k or p.
> I find that hilarious.

Google Reader:
j/k -- next item, previous item
m -- mark item (toggle read or unread)
gh -- go to GR homepage
ga -- show "All items" view
gs -- show starred items
gt [tag] -- go to specified tag

This is why I like Google Reader ... very vim like.

GMail also uses the j/k duo for moving to the next or previous
thread ... er, "conversation" ... and n/p for next/previous message.
And, of course, / moves to the search box, just like / starts a search
in vim.  As with vim and Google Reader, g is a frequently used modifier
in GMail -- ga for all mail, gs for starred, gc for contacts, etc.

I tried the vimperator Firefox extension for a while.  There were things
about it I really liked, but it makes working with most of Google's
services very difficult -- something about all the frames GMail,
GCalendar, GReader, etc., use.  In the end, web browsing is probably one
thing that a mouse is somewhat useful for.

Michael M.

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