On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 15:15 -0700, Andrew Brookins wrote:
> >> On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 16:54 -0700, Andrew Brookins wrote:
> >> [Prism for Google apps...]
> >> On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Michael M. Moore<mich...@writemoore.net> 
> >> wrote:
> > Thanks for the suggestion.  I tried it out, but it didn't work for me,
> > for reasons I couldn't quite be sure of.
> >
> Hmm.  Do you get icons like "Gmail.desktop"?  I usually have to access
> the properties of the desktop icons Prism creates, and replace
> "firefox" with "xulrunner" in the path.

Yes, I got the shortcut on the desktop, but it seemed to have the wrong
permissions.  At first, the graphic for the shortcut wasn't rendering
correctly.  I changed it to make it executable, and the proper graphic
showed up.  The shortcut already pointed to xulrunner, but it still
didn't launch anything.  Trying to run it from a terminal didn't produce
anything helpful.  It could be that the libraries were missing, could be
that the extension installed the necessary libraries but couldn't find
them (I guess I could've tried to run ldconfig), could be that the
Debian name-change of Firefox was messing things up, or could be
something else entirely, or any combination of the above.

> Maybe not worth the effort, if you're happy with Epiphany.

Given the possibilities, and the lack of comprehensive docs, that was my
feeling. :-)

> >> On a somewhat related topic, I read that an unstable build of Chrome
> >> is available for Linux [...]
> >
> > The key word there being "unstable" :-)  I read that it is as yet quite
> > a ways from being usable on Linux.
> Probably so.  Half the software I download is barely usable on Linux.

I think the situation is only going to get worse, for a while anyway, as
more and more nominally 'cross-platform' apps are developed mostly with
Windows in mind, by people who don't really understand the different
ways different Linux distros do things.  Standardization is lacking and,
often, actively resisted in Linux.

Michael M.

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