On Mon, 31 Aug 2009, John Jason Jordan wrote:

> This morning I did have an unnerving experience, indicating that 
> things may still not be perfect. I opened a bookmark in a new tab in 
> Firefox and was suddenly staring at a black screen with a bunch of 
> incomprehensible messages on it - memory addresses, mostly. [...]

IIRC, some versions of Firefox are wickedly incompatible with some 
shipping Xorg drivers. I know FF 3.5.1 has the issue, but other 3.5.x 
releases may share the problem.

On the CentOS list, Olaf Mueller suggests some alterations to 


The whole thread may be of interest to you:


> The only clue I could see was a reference to "kinit."

kinit is a Kerberos utility. I doubt it's an issue for you.

Paul Heinlein <> heinl...@madboa.com <> http://www.madboa.com/
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