On 04/25/2010 07:29 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 11:05:38 -0700
> Bruce<kd7...@gmail.com>  dijo:
>> I would like some comment from your vast pool of experience as to what
>> this writer said.  Most of my curiosity  stems from the latter half of
>> this article.  Pointers to articles, other distros, etc. are all
>> welcomed.  If they come with your observations or opinions, so much
>> the better.
>> http://www.ghabuntu.com/2010/04/where-is-ubuntu-going-to.html
> The author of that article is mostly misguided and has failed to
> understand a lot of things. Someone decided that the Gimp wouldn't fit
> on the CD unless other more important stuff was eliminated. You can
> always install it yourself. Ditto for just about all the other
> complaints.
> As for Shuttleworth saying that Ubuntu is not a democracy, well, that's
> true of most distros. There is frequently one key person who started the
> distro and keeps it afloat. That person decides what will be included
> and what will not. In fact, I think Ubuntu responds to user input
> better than many. And if you're worried about a for-profit corporation
> owning the distro, then you'd better stay away from Mandriva, OpenSuse,
> Fedora, and several others.
> I lived happily with Ubuntu for my first several years in Linux,
> although today I use Fedora 11. I take my hat off to Ubuntu.
> Shuttleworth's big claim to fame is that he said several years ago that
> it was time for Linux on the desktop. Considering the massive user base
> of Ubuntu, he was right. Hardly anyone else had the gumption to target
> the desktop user base. The success of Ubuntu has brought millions of
> new users to Linux. How can that be bad for Linux? If Shuttleworth
> thinks he is entitled to maintain control of the distro, I'm happy to
> let him.
> There always seems to be a group who think that if someone is
> successful they must have done something wrong to get there. I don't
> know Shuttleworth, but I have met the man and heard him speak. I also
> know his story. He's OK in my book.
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I don't begrudge anybody their success.  Fact of the matter is I admire 
those that are successful.

Bill Gates and Linus Torvold (sp?) started out in a very similar 
fashion.  Bill with DOS in his garage, Linus in college.  Two similar 
products, different paths, look what they became.

I started with Linux due to a moral issue.  It was pointed out to me 
that by agreeing with the EULA I was partnering with the world's most 
well known criminals.  The argument has been made that Microsoft should 
have been dismantled by RICO statute some time back.  I liked what Mark 
Shuttleworth stands for and what he is doing.  I was just concerned by 
what that article said about decisions becoming political and wondered 
if the 'buntus would go the way that Microsoft did.

I still like (K)Ubuntu!

I don't like what KDE has become and may change to Ubuntu.  I may well 
take some of the suggestions in this thread and work/learn with 
something else for a time.

This is one of the things I think FOSS is all about.  The opportunity to 
choose what you want to work with, for the reasons you choose.

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