On 04/25/2010 12:44 PM, Michael Moore wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Bruce<kd7...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> I landed in the Kubuntu environment.  Kubuntu 9.10, in my experience,
>> fell flat on it's ISO.  I assumed it was growing pains of the latest
>> KDE.  I installed Ubuntu on my "it has to work" machine and then used
>> the other laptop to tinker with 10.04 (starting with Alpha 2) of both
>> Ubuntu and Kubuntu.  Neither seems to be very spectacular in what it
>> does.  I haven't had any major problems, though I am far from a power user.
> My thought:  Ubuntu might not be the best choice for an "it has to
> work" machine.  That's not to insult or disparage Ubuntu, it's just a
> reflection of Ubuntu being a reasonably bleeding-edge distro, akin to
> Fedora.  Any bleeding-edge anything is likely to have some bugs&
> burps that creep into the shiny and new.  Often, the problems that
> distros get blamed for are the result of bugs (or, design decisions or
> implementation changes that might be controversial) upstream, as Drew
> already mentioned with regard to the missing xorg.conf.  To some
> extent, it is the responsibility of distros to put together a fully
> functioning whole, but in practice there are so many moving parts that
> it simply isn't possibly to be up-to-the-minute and completely free of
> sometimes show-stopping bugs or usability issues.  And when upstream
> devs do something that annoys a lot of users, it's always the
> bleeding-edge distro's users that get exposed to the annoyance first.
> Personally, I'd stay with something that doesn't prioritize the latest
> and greatest over stability or usability for an "it has to work"
> machine -- especially in light of your unsatisfying experience with
> KDE/Kubuntu.  In the Debian universe, there is nothing more stable
> than Debian stable itself.  In the Red Hat universe, many here have
> talked about Scientific Linux or CentOS.
> Michael M.
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My version of an "it has to work" is simply email, browser, & 
sky.fm/smooth jazz player.

The most important thing I do is moderate an email discussion list.

To date, Ubuntu has caused me no hardships.  Fedora, for the short time 
I had it installed, seemed rock solid under my conditions.  Debian 
deserves another try.  I admittedly got frustrated with it when I tried 
it some time back.  Don't remember what it was that I stumbled with, but 
it wasn't worth the time then.

Thanks for the input!

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