On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Michael Rasmussen <mich...@jamhome.us>wrote:

> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 12:54:21AM -0700, Mike Connors wrote:
> > >
> > > When I say "2 MB/s" I mean megabytes per second. That is, assuming the
> > > server can feed me as fast as Comcast will let me download it, I can
> > > download a full 700 MB Ubuntu live CD in about six minutes.
> > >
> > >  Googling around leads me to a confusing bunch of options for DSL. I'd
> > > pay more for faster speeds. Are there any options that are faster than
> > > the 2 MB/s that Comcast is now giving me.
> >
> >
> >  As for DSL service, it's either going to be through  Qwest or Verizon,
> > depending on whether you live East or West
> > of the Willamette no matter which ISP you buy the service through.
> or Covad
> John,  DSL is a distance sentitive service.   I live a bit far from the
> local
> CO to get really high speed.
> Covad does have their own backbone and there is a link between Seattle and
> S.F., howerver they don't own any of the local loops in Portland. DSL speed
> is a function of both distance to the CO and and the quality of the entire
> copper run, including inside your house/apt and all cross-connects...

Also, FYI, all the Verizon COs in Oregon have recently been sold to Frontier
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