I'm looking for a NAS, but I would really like to use dirvish (see
below) and I'm skeptical that most NASes will support dirvish
properly.  My priority, however, is to find an off-the-shelf solution
that "just works".

I like dirvish for the following reasons:

 * it's relatively easy to set up (eg: I've done it before)
 * it stores incremental backups in a way that is trivial to restore
data -- I can not stress enough how much I want to be able to easily
navigate my backups and just copy files out to restore data.  Dirvish
creates date-indexed directory trees that use (hard?) links to save
space and present a, uh, "WYSIWYG" view of your backups.  This is
essential :)

Unfortunately, when I last used dirvish, I found that it really
doesn't work well if you mount the backup volume with a protocol that
doesn't support hard links.  (This includes samba and sshfs.)  The
linking commands silently fall back to creating new copies of the
data, so the incremental nature of dirvish doesn't end up saving any
space -- I've quickly filled multi-tb drives with nightly workstation
backups because of this.

Does anyone know of a NAS that either has dirvish support, or exports
drives in a way that I can mount them and successfully use dirvish?
Alternatively, does any one know of a backup solution that would fill
the same desiderata above?

I'm considering a buffalo tech. terastation or linkstation -- my gf.
has used one with a number of windows systems, and it seems to be
reliable.  They also run linux, which I obviously support, and there
is a debian-based distro that will run on them, so in a pinch I could
install that and set dirvish up in that way, however, I would really
rather just have an off-the-shelf solution that "just works" (and some
of the other buffalo tech features sound really nice -- such as the
built-in bittorrent client).  Based on my Googling, it seems that most
people just mount terastations with samba, which (afaik) still won't
work for dirvish.

This is for a home solution, so I'm not looking for a multi-thousand
dollar solution, or insane redundancy.

Thanks for your input!

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