On 9/15/2010 12:20 PM, wes wrote:
> it's the third sunday of each month, and yes, that includes this coming
> sunday.
> no notice is needed, just show up between 1 and 5 and wait for the next
> available volunteer to help you out.
> however, info about the laptop might be helpful to someone so we can look up
> the particular challenges involved with installing linux on it, and perhaps
> prepare to meet them.
> -wes

Thanks, Wes.  I should have been clearer:  I meant I want to provide the 
agency for which I volunteer with notice that I won't be coming in this 
Sunday, if that's when the Clinic is happening (in case they can find 
someone to pinch-hit for me).

The laptop is a Toshiba Satellite L505 with a 2.2GHz Intel Pentium Dual 
Core T4400 processor, 3GB RAM, a Realtek Wireless LAN NIC (which I think 
can be a problem).  I haven't spent as much time searching as I wanted 
to, but there seem to have been a lot of ACPI issues, which may have 
been solved (or partially solved) with a recent kernel.  I have found 
various problem reports and some suggested fixes for similar machines 
(in the L505 family) on Ubuntu and Arch Linux forums, but it's hard to 
get an accurate sense of the timing (i.e., does a problem and attendant 
fix that was reported six months ago still apply now?).

The exact model is L505-ES5018, as reviewed by CNET here:

I needed a sub-$500 notebook really quickly (as in, buy at retail) -- 
AFAIK, it's just not possible to get a Linux notebook for that price in 
Portland, unless maybe you get really lucky at Free Geek.

--Michael M.
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Michael Moore
> <moore.michae...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>   I normally can't make the clinics because I have a standing volunteer
>> commitment that conflicts.  However, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need
>> help getting some flavor of Linux installed on this laptop, so I thought
>> I would bow out of my usual commitment.  I'd like to provide as much
>> notice as I can, but I can't find any info about when the next clinic
>> is.  The website says 17 August, which was a Tuesday.
>> Michael M.
>> (sent from Windows -- see, I'm desperate!)
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