Hi all,

I'm a linux newbie that has had some success and is pleased with himself!

I went to


to figure out how to get civ 4 to work on my machine.

I initially had trouble figuring the following out which was written
at the above link....

The following tweaks are unavoidable in order to run the game:
* Install MSXML3 and MSXML4 via Winetricks.
* Disable gameux on winecfg -> Libraries.
I didn't install DX9 via Winetricks since I already have installed the
June 2010 release of DX the regular way. Didn't have any problems at

Eventually, after reading a bit of the Wine manual, and just poking
around the wine configuration dialog box, I think I did the above
stuff correctly.  But it was hard and tedious.

The instructions above also said to download any proprietary driver
for your graphics card.  I had never done that before, but I figured
that out too, I think.  That made all the difference in the world!  My
game actually functioned!  I am soooo happy!!!

The instructions also told me to ( with regard to patches for civ 4 )

After successful installation, all patches for the latest versions
need to be installed.

 I did so, but the patches kept saying that they couldn't find an
installation of civ 4 on my machine.  When I did patches in windows, I
just clicked on them, and they worked.  I don't know what it means to
download a patch for the game and install for civ 4 under wine.  When
I had the patched be automatically open by wine, they still didn't
find civ 4, or at least that's what a dialog box said.

So my game actually works!  I am very happy.  But the graphics are a
bit choppy.  Maybe if I correctly install the patches, it will work
better.  Does anyone have an idea how to do that in the wine ubuntu
civ 4 context?

Perhaps I should upgrade my video card.  My video card is more that
what civ 4 needs for specs under windows, but maybe I need a better
card, because civ 4 is on wine, on ubuntu 10.04

My chip is an Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.00GHz with 2.0GB Ram, and my video
card is an ASUS
V9520-X/TD/128M, I think

Does my system have enough oomph, as far as you know, to run wine,
with civ 4 on top of it?  If not, what sort of specs do you recommend
for a future computer that will have ubuntu, wine, civ 4,

Basically, is the best thing that I can do to make my graphics in my
game less choppy, is to get a better graphics card.  Or is what I have
plenty, and my game is just not going to get qualitatively better,
unless I get a better chip, more Ram, in addition to getting a better
graphics card.

But please be aware that the mere fact that I can play the game, has
made me incredibly happy, and while no one on the list has helped me
as of yet, I feel very empowered, and am actually seeking some
positive reenforcement!  Please provide some.  Civ 4 was the one thing
I was aching for from Windows.  Now I got it working, not great, and
it really needs to be qualitatively better, but it is working!!!  So,
maybe I just need a better graphics card.  Is that the next step, or
is it some sort of configuration, or is the next step getting a whole
new better computer?

By the way, writing to the list for help, helped me articulate my
problems, and clarify for myself what I might have to do next.
So...the mere process of writing to the list helped me with my
problem.  Still...please try to answer my above questions.

super pleased, and the slightest bit smug!!
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