On Mon, 22 Aug 2011, Jason Barnett wrote:

> A couple of quick questions about your Acer monitor..
> * You said that it just wouldn't turn on... does this mean that the power
> indicator light did not come on or there was no display?

   When I sat down at my desk yesterday morning the monitor was dark and the
power light was off. Because this system stays on 24/7/365 (and the monitor
blanks after 10 minutes of inactivity), I thought there was a power failure
but the system was up and running.

> * Were there any symptoms prior to it dieing?

   Nope. It worked fine Saturday.

> It is unusual for a monitor to just up and die with no warning.  It is
> possible that it can be repaired quickly and cheaply (possible that it is
> a power supply or even just a fuse). On the 29th at 7PM is the next
> DorkbotPDX meeting at Backspace in portland. If you let me know you are
> coming, I am sure myself or a dozen or so others, would be willing to
> troubleshoot/repair it for you. If you cannot make it to the Dorkbot
> meeting, contact me off list and I'll arrange to take a look at it when I
> can.


   I should be able to make it. But, with three large projects (and all
clients wanting my full attention to their needs), the situation may change
in a week. But, if it can be fixed that would be great.


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