On Wed, 2011-09-28 at 04:31 -0700, Michael Rasmussen wrote: 
> On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 11:36:18PM -0700, Jason Barnett wrote:
> > I am constantly on the edge of unsubscribing to
> > this mailing list, despite all the GOOD information that is on it.  I have
> > found that the only way to deal with it is to have an autodelete filter for
> > any post that contains his name.  
> For anyone keeping count, I'm did and do the same.

Even though my blacklist is now working w/r/t the individual in
question, I still find this thread -- astonishing.

He also asks a --lot-- of questions of this board. I don't think he's
ever offered technical help to anyone on this board. He takes, and does
not give back. 

I suggest that anyone who answers his technical questions is
inadvertently encouraging people who just take from a community, along
with his general nasty demeanor. In my years here, I remember him saying
"thank you" just once.

This thread, and his responses, is an overreaction about one person who
honored his wife in a very American way. Keith's reference to his wife
as a "God" who must be obeyed is a common American male view of
marriage. If you've ever seen her picture on Keith's laptop, it's clear
that he idolizes her. Keith has nothing to apologize for, and can be
proud of the way he honors his marriage, and his work to make his wife's
home office more efficient with Asterisk. 

The reacting individual in question has apparently been haunting this
list with his point of view since at least 2004, ref
http://lists.pdxlinux.org/pipermail/plug/2004-April/031297.html . So
he's apparently not going to stop soon. 

I understand people who have blacklisted him into their spam filters. I
have now done so reluctantly. It is in essence "changing the channel"
when he speaks. I am reluctant to do so -- as it risks ceding the tone
of this list to people like him.

Given his point of view, it's astonishing that he would use an operating
system created by an atheist. When Keith suggested that we nominate
Linus for the Nobel Peace Prize, this was his reaction:


"The nobel peace prize should not go to an atheist period."

He then compared Linus Torvalds to Mao Tse-Tung and Saddam Hussein. 


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