On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Richard England <rlengl...@frontier.com> wrote:
> FWIW, I regularly use LibreOffice 3.3.4 on my Fedora system to open
> received .docx files for my wife and save them in Word97 .doc files so
> she can edit them. She has been successful sharing these with
> colleagues.  She uses the equation editor, but not the change tracking
> features you mention.  I think investigation would be worth your time.

Interesting.  I was just corresponding this morning with a new Ubuntu
user who was telling me that she couldn't find the option to save in
*.doc format in LibreOffice.  I wonder if Ubuntu's version is behind
Fedora and doesn't have that capability, or if she just couldn't find
where to do it?  (I don't know her well, but I get the distinct
impression her computer skills are not highly developed.)  I suggested
to her she might check into installing OpenOffice.org, but perhaps
that isn't necessary.

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