On 2/2/2012 3:21 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
>    I want to write a shell script to run as a cron job that checks the
> Frontier-assigned IP address of my DSL line against the current IP address
> and, if changed, uploads the changed address to namecheap.com's DNS servers.
>    I can see the address (at least while it's static) on my Netgear VFS318,
> but there's not a specific URL for that field on the admin web page. There
> are a bunch of web-based lookup sites; while they immediately display my IP
> address I don't see a way to extract that information from the web page
> (perhaps in the page source code?) for local storage and upload to
> namecheap.com.
>    Many of you folks are professional network administrators and may already
> have such a script. Or, you can advise me how to proceed.

whatismyip.com has an automation page that returns ONLY the IP
address.  You can easily use curl with the correct link. For

   MYIP=$(curl http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp)

Jim Garrison (j...@acm.org)
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