On Sun, 12 Feb 2012, Bill Barry wrote:

>   You can use this in my script in place of the line that queries the
> router, just call it NEWIP instead of MYIP
> NEWIP=$(curl -s http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp)


   I know about this syntax. /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf has a sample section
for NameCheap, and namecheap.com's Knowledgebase has directions for
switching the DNS to Dynamic and assigning passwords as well as a sample
section for ddclient.conf.

   However, I see discrepancies between the ddclient.conf section for
NameCheap and the latter's Knowledgebase. The former uses the domain name(s)
and the latter the login name. Also, I have two domains (sharing the same IP
address) and an A record and MX record for each. Since I'm far from familiar
with this whole DNS process I've no idea if I've created a valid .conf file.

   Also, how do I set the daemon to at least 600 seconds in the script?

   Just in case you or someone else has some expertise to share, here is
/etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf with my namecheap passwords removed:

daemon=300                              # check every 300 seconds
syslog=yes                              # log update msgs to syslog
mail=root                               # mail all msgs to root
mail-failure=root                       # mail failed update msgs to root
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid               # record PID in file.
ssl=yes                                 # use ssl-support.  Works with
                                        # ssl-library

## To obtain an IP address from Web status page (using the proxy if defined)
## by default, checkip.dyndns.org is used if you use the dyndns protocol. 
## Using use=web is enough to get it working. WARNING: set deamon at least
## to 600 seconds if you use checkip or you could get banned from their
## service.
#use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.org/, web-skip='IP Address' # found after IP 
#use=ip,                     ip=       # via static IP's
#use=if,                     if=eth0            # via interfaces
#use=web                                        # via web

use=web, web=whatismyip.com/, web-skip='IP Address'

#protocol=dyndns2                               # default protocol
#proxy=fasthttp.sympatico.ca:80                 # default proxy
#server=members.dyndns.org                      # default server
#server=members.dyndns.org:8245                 # default server (bypassing 

protocol=namecheap \
server=dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com \
login=rshepard \
password=<password> \

protocol=namecheap \
server=dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com \
domain=appl-ecosys.com \
login=rshepard \
password=<password> \

protocol=namecheap \
server=dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com \
domain=twodogs.us \
login=rshepard \
password=<password> \

protocol=namecheap \
server=dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com \
domain=twodogs.us \
login=rshepard \
password=<password> \

#login=your-login                               # default login
#password=test                                  # default password
#mx=mx.for.your.host                            # default MX
#backupmx=yes|no                                # host is primary MX?
#wildcard=yes|no                                # add wildcard CNAME?

## dyndns.org dynamic addresses
## (supports variables: wildcard,mx,backupmx)
## NameCheap (namecheap.com)
# protocol=namecheap,                           \
# server=dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com,       \
# login=my-namecheap.com-login,                 \
# password=my-namecheap.com-password            \
# myhost.namecheap.com


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