Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2012, Fred James wrote:
>> Someone else has responded with suggestion(s) to help ... my (OT) 2 cents
>> is to marvel at the number of people who (whether running MS, Linux, OSX,
>> UNIX, or what have you) will apply patches/updates/upgrades, untested, to
>> a critical machine/OS/application.  We all (including me) do it, but it
>> still amazes me.
>    I don't know that's the problem in this case. Speaking only from my own
> experience with Slackware, patches are well tested before being set free in
> the wild.
>    What might have happened to the originator of this thread bit me when
> upgrading a laptop running xubuntu from 10.04 to 11.10, with a stop at
> 11.04. The first distribution upgrade worked fine, but during the second
> upgrade the screensaver was activated as stuff chruned away in the
> background, and would not clear when requested to do so. Turns our there is
> some bug in one of the distribution versions that causes the screensaver to
> remain. The only solution was to shut down the machine. This meant a
> brand-new installation from the 11.10 disk. Serious PITA.
> Rich
And with that, I rest my case
Fred James

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